oklin580 发表于 2012-11-9 11:42:06


美国蒙特雷国际研究生院(Monterey Institute of International Studies)是美国乃至世界翻译及传译专业No.1的学校,以下十条便是蒙特雷校方给翻译专业新生的建议。有志于走上翻译道路的同学们,来看看如何成为一个优秀的译员吧。
Be patient. Bringing your language skills and analytical skills up to the level required of a professional translator or interpreter is not a task that can be accomplished in a few short years. Only with a lot of sustained hard work can anyone truly succeed in these challenging and exciting fields.

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查看完整版本: 世界NO.1的高翻学院,英语专业,翻译专业童鞋们,关注了!